Do you wonder where you can get some free bitcoins? For many of us, the discovery of Bitcoin is like the discovery of organic foods. We can see the benefits of using them but find it difficult to justify the cost, and then there is the risk that we’ll be getting a bad deal since we don’t know what we’re doing.
Bitcoin logo
In Bitcoin, it’s like every organic food store has someone out front, offering free samples. Also, there’s a library everywhere you look, but only a few of those libraries have any good information.
The largest traders would benefit a great deal if everyone just jumped blindly into Bitcoin, investing large chunks of their life savings in the process. That would be just fine by them, but it’s unlikely to happen.
More likely, people are going to get involved with Bitcoin either by necessity, by chance or because someone was willing to give them a few bitcoins to get started with.
Now, before we begin discussing the places out there to get free Bitcoin, let’s just be clear: there is no way to get wealthy without working or investing for it. It is impossible to make an income in bitcoins or any other currency just by clicking around on some websites.
However, that being said, cryptocurrencies are unique in that clever marketers can make a profit doing exactly that, giving away money. This would not be possible in other currencies, where they simply can’t be broken down small enough.
The operator will usually make less than a penny. If they were forced to give you a penny or more, there’d be no way to be profitable.
Getting free bitcoins is not a way to get rich, and certainly not the most profitable use of one’s time, but if you’ve got some free time and would like to pick up a small amount of extra Bitcoin now and then, then this definitive guide will is a great place to start.
Since our last publishing of this guide, perhaps the most fun way to earn free bitcoins, Bitcoin Flapper, has gone by the wayside.
The company which operated it no longer do, and appears to only operate iPhone apps with various titles that don’t seem to pay out in bitcoins. Other options in the web today have arisen to fill the void. Chief among them is the style that allows you earn by viewing adverts. You sign up by entering your email address and an accompanying captcha code.
Varify your email address and enter your password details
Next, You have to click on “Surf Ads” which opens the page for available ads for your account.
Click on Each add and wait for the the complete duration (Usually 10 -30 seconds) after which you’ll be shown a captcha code.
Provide the answer to the Captcha Code and watch your earnings grow as you view more ads.
You can use the Help Tab in the page to see the payout and all that.
My Aim is to make you see better ways to earn and enjoy life
To withdraw your Bitcoin, Create a wallet with and enter the wallet address on the Site when you’ve reached the minimum payout.
Note: currently, 1Bitcoin = 3.4 million Nigerian Naira
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Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!