How to Buy JAMB 2021 e-Pin With Paga

Annually in Nigeria, the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has made it mandatory for that students seeking for admission into any tertiary institution must enroll in the entrance examination which is supervised by Jamb.

Have you ever heard about paga? I know 90% of students planning for might have jamb season is upon us & in keeping with the times, the steps on how to pay for your PIN via Paga online channel which is now digitally driven.

Scroll down to learn more about the steps to enable you pay for JAMB ePin using Paga payment platform today!


How to pay for JAMB 2021 e-Pin via Paga



Remember we wrote another content a few days ago where we discussed how to pay for JAMB ePin using quickteller


Step 1

Make sure you have already obtained your NIN as a candidate before you commence with this task as directed by Jamb.

Step 2

Any cellphone used in sending the NIN to 55019is meant to for just a single candidate and this will be used to get more data related to his or her 2021examination or application

Step 3

Open your text message box and type in the word “NIN” give a space and then include your eleven (11) digits National Identity Number.

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For example:

[NIN 26288363839]

Please note that there must be a space between the NIN and your 11 digits NIN

Step 4

Now after sending this message to 55019wait a little while. You are going to receive a text message on your phone which includes:

·     Your 10 unique digits profile code

·     Your correct registered name with NIMC


Step 5

Now to proceed to the final step you need to present your profile code at the point of procurement on either the paga app, website or any agent close to you. After performing this task, a JAMB ePin will be sent as text message to you on your mobile device


How to pay for JAMB 2021 e-Pin via Paga

Step 6

Finally all you need to do is to visit any accredited Jamb CBT center for you registration using the ePin generated.


Jamb E-pin not received?

Paga is a popular mobile payment platform in Nigeria created to help assist in transfer of money electronically which include making of payment from our mobile phones

Some times after going through the stress of making this payment online and you didn’t get your e-pin, frustrated right? relax and don’t bother or worry yourself. You can easily contact paga and they will get it rectified without delay!

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Encountered any challenges? Email service@mypaga.comor call 0700-000-7242 for prompt assistance.


How to get 2021 Direct Entry JAMB ePins via Paga


Direct Entry JAMB form is meant those who already possess a diploma certificate, NCE, ND, IJMB, JUPEB or NABTEB and still intend to further their studies for a degree program at the University of their Choice.


The 2021 Direct Entry JAMB has two procedures of applying which is;

Direct Entry Application by Upgrading

Fresh Direct Entry Application


Procedures for the Direct Entry Application by Upgrading

This upgrading comes in when you already registered for ND and would like to get the Direct Entry form in the same year. Meaning you have to upgrade from UTME to DE


Procedures for Fresh Direct Entry Application


Step 1

First you need to send NIN space with your eleven (11) digit NIN through SMS using the unique number to 55019 (example NIN 728894972938)

Note:You will be charged N50 for this Process


Step 2

Then you will be issued a Profile code as a confirmation code. Use the profile code to buy your Direct Entry Form/PIN on Paga app, website or any agent close to you

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How to pay for JAMB 2021 e-Pin via Paga



Step 3

When you are done with the purchase you can visit any CBTcenter for complete registration and biometrics

Note: Make sure you visit the center with your SSCE result and your higher qualification result for scanning and uploading


How to recover lost Profile Code before Payment

You might be wondering if a misplaced profile code can be retrieved. Well the answer is yes. Now the answer is that you can retrieve your lost profile using your mobile phone.


How to pay for JAMB 2021 e-Pin via Paga


If you lost your profile during or after the registration be rest assured that you can recover your lost profile code with stressing yourself. All you need to do is to carefully follow the below procedures:

Step 1

To retrieve a lost profile code [RESEND] to 55019 as a text message from the same cell phone you used during registration.


Step 2

Now the profile code would then be retrieved and delivered on your registered phone number.


Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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How to get JAMB ePin with Quickteller

How to get and pay the JAMB 2021 e-Pin via Quickteller

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