How Many Plots Of Land Make One Acre?

how many acres in a hectare

Today on Guardian Constructors, we shall be looking at a crucial topic – How many Acres make one hectare. While we owe you an honest answer to this question, we promise to make other essential tips clear as these will help you buy the right plot of land without getting cheated.

Based on the above, if you have been searching for “how many plots make an acre,” rest assured, the answer you seek is right here on this page!

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What is One Acre?

To describe an acre, I would like you to imagine a standard football pitch. An acre is a unit of land and commonly used in the Imperial system along with Customary systems in the unites states. An Acre is best defined as the area of one chain, which equals 10 square chains or 1/640 of a square mile.

How Many square feet in One Acre?

There are about 43,560 square feet in one Acre, and this is approximately 4,047m² – Wikipedia.

What is One Hectare?

The hectare is used to describe a plot of land with 100m square sides, which equally has a total area of 10,000 square meters.

When Compared with an Acre, there are about 2.47 acres in one hectare, while one Acre is approximately 0.405 hectares.

How Many Square Feet In One Hectare?

There are 10,000 square meters in every hectare, since there are about 328 feet in every 100 meters; it means a hectare would be having 328 x 328 (square feet), and that’s about 107,587 square feet.

How Many Acres Make One Hectare?

The size of an acre is measured to be about 66ft by 660ft or 20.11m by 201.16m, while a hectare measures 328ft by 328ft or 100m by 100m, we can then say that there are about 43560 square feet in an acre, while a total of 107,584 square feet in a hectare.


107,584/43,560 = 2.47 

There are about 2.47 acres in one hectare.

How Many Plots Make On Acre?

First of all, I will explain this based on the system of land allocation in Nigeria.

There are three different ways of measuring land in Nigeria ad this depends on where you find yourself

A plot of land could measure 50ft by 100 ft, 60ft by 120 ft or 100ft by 100ft but this depends on the location and system of allocation standard in the area where you are buying a plot of land

How many 50 by 100 in One Acre

Therefore, if you are buying a plot of land and the landlord says his system is 50ft by 100, how many plots are you going to have on a plot?

Total square feet for a 50 by 100 plot of land = 5000 square feet 
Total Square meters for a 50 by 100 plot of land = 15.24 x 30.48 = 464.51m²

But the total square meters in one Acre = 4047m²

Dividing 4047 by 464.51m², we have 8.71 plots of land.

From the above, we have established that where the system of land allocation specifies 50ft by 100 as one plot, you as a buyer are expected to have a total of 8.71 parcels in one Acre of land.

How many 60 by 120 in One Acre?

Ok, from our small mathematics above, we realized there are 8.71 plots in one Acre if the system of land allocation is 50 by 100. Now let us see how many plots will be in One Acre if the system measures 60 by 120 as a plot!

Total Square feet for a 60 by 120 plot of land = 7200 square feet
Total Square meters for a 60 by 120 plot of land = 18.29 x 36.58 = 669m²

But the total square meters in one Acre = 4047m²

Dividing 4047 by 669m², we have 6 plots of land.

From the above, we have established that where the system of land allocation specifies 60ft by 120 as one plot, you as a buyer are expected to have a total of 6 plots in one Acre of land.

How many 100 by 100 In One Acre?

Let us assume you intend to buy an Acre of land in Nigeria, and the system of allocation specifies 100ft by 100ft as a plot, how many plots are you supposed to have in one parcel?

Total square feet for a 100 by 100 plot of land = 10,000
Total square meters in a 100ft by 100ft plot of land = 30.48 x 30.48 = 929m²

But the total square meters in one Acre = 4047m²

Therefore, dividing 4047 by 929m², we have 4.35 Plots in one Acre.

How Much is one Acre of Land?

Buyers must consult a real estate agent in the area you are interested in buying a plot of land to get the exact price of a plot of land. After you may have known the cost of a plot of land, you can then proceed to multiply by the number of parcels in one Acre, after which you proceed with payment for your parcels of land.

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Now we have been able to explicitly answer the question “How many plots of land make one Acre” and my intention is to make it easy for you to know the number of plots you’re getting based on the system of land allocation in the area where you are buying the plots!

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Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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