How to Build a Successful Data Analytics Career

Looking for how to build a successful Data Analytics Career? Of course, it’s no longer news that data analytics is one of the most advantageous future careers one could have
today. This is because aside from being one of the highest paying jobs out there, building a data analytics career is one great step toward big data and machine learning – fields which have been described as the most beneficial if one is to enjoy his or her life in the next couple of years. But how can one build a career in data analytics?

How to Build a Career in Data Analytics…

There are several steps to building a meaningful career in data analytics. One of these could be getting a data science degree, but what we have in the world today is that even those who did study data science end up not getting a clear image of what they’re up to. This has been observed as a common trend when such graduates are interviewed.

A lot of data science graduates often run to Data Analysts who had no degrees, just to learn how to pitch a tent for themselves in the data analytics field.

Today, we are going to show you an accurate step towards building a data analytics career for yourself and earning enough to live the life of your dream.

So what’s the easiest way to build a date analytics career for yourself?

Getting informed! Do you know there are many data analytics skills start-ups that are now springing up within Nigeria?

These are small firms that have been recognized globally for offering data analytics services

Steps to Build a Data Analytics Career in Nigeria.

data analytics career
First of all, you might need to work on your mindset. I boldly say this because there is this general belief that because Ada didn’t get a science-oriented degree, she can’t venture into Tech or IT.

The above is just a norm. We have a lot of successful professionals in Tech and IT who never sat a science degree test in the past.

Now that you’re done with the mindset thingy, let’s fix you on the path to building a successful data analytics career.

Already a Graduate? Of course, a fundamental education is very important…
No problem. Gone are the days when entry roles in data analytics required some degree in computer science, mathematics, etc. These days, while a basic is very important, all one would need to build a very successful data analytics career would be some Certifications obtained by undertaking some professional certificate programs. Funny thing is, many of those currently doing great in data analytics today self-studied. Others started off learning how to use Excel, attended some Bootcamp and today, they’re leaders In the field.

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Hone your Data Analytics Skills.

Now that we’re certain your fundamental education whether a degree or not can hinder you from building this futuristic career, it’s time to pick your gadgets and start from the basics.

– Statistics: one of the basic knowledge you must have is how to present data, the basic language of data just as you learnt back in high school where we or graphs, bar charts, and pie charts during Economics and Mathematics classes.

– Basic Knowledge of R programming language or python. This isn’t a standard as most employers won’t bother. Just understand how to present data and the language around it.

– Data Extraction, Preparation: this is knowing how to extract and prepare data before subjecting it to visualization tools. There are many data extraction tools. This could include tools like Google analytics usually installed on websites to have an overview of the audience, readers, etc.

– SQL: Stands for Structural Query Language. The simplest of them is PostgreSQL. Basic knowledge of how to query a database to obtain some data is very important in data Analytics. Learning any of the SQL frameworks gives you an advantage over others struggling to get in the field.

– Data Cleaning Skills: As far as you’re going to build a career in data analytics, be ready to accept the fact that your path is going to cross so much unclean data. Unclean data is not fit for visualization, it is not for presentation, so it’ll be your job to clean and make it fit for whatever purpose it’ll be subjected to. Oh, I love the data cleaning part, especially when it involves power BI, Excel, Vlookup, etc

– Data Visualization: If you’re able to obtain unclean data, clean it up to the point where it can be visualized to produce charts, graphs, etc. Then you’re on the line to being a successful data analyst.

What Tools Do I Need to Learn?

To build a successful data analytics career, it is important to form a very strong bond with software like;

Microsoft Excel: Basic data cleaning, the visualization tool
Microsoft Power BI: used for data cleaning, Visualization
PosgGRE SQL: Best SQL tool for beginners
Tableau: Advanced Data Visualization tool
Python 3: Can be substituted with R and is very important if you ever intend to grow into machine learning.
Panda: Another powerful tool for those working with s very large amount of data.

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Where do I Start?.

Right here. While this post is majorly taking you through the process of building s successful data analytics career, it is important to point out that there are platforms that have made it very easy to get a step ahead. I’ll share a few of these platforms below.


1. Dahel Techies Consultant

Dahel has become the leading training institute for young Data analytics. It’s a firm created by Mr David Effiong and his team.
Working with This consultant has enabled a lot of Nigerians to establish themselves as young data analysts. The company even consults and trains personnel for Nigerian big firms.

Dahel Techies takes you through all data analytics tools mentioned above and this they do at a mouth-watering fee. The company has trained a lot of people already and still taking more students.

With Dahel, your normal work can still go on while you take your classes because your sessions come up in the evening when you’re done with your regular job.
Bonus: Dahel also shows you the quickest ways to land your first job, shares available vacancies with its graduands and also recommends them to new openings

Benefits of working with Dahel Techies
1. Working with real Data: Dahel is a training institute that would train you to become a good data analyst as well as showing you how to obtain data, clean, visualize as well as make accurate presentations.

2. Shows you how to Build your Portfolio
Having a portfolio for all data you’ve worked with is a great way of showing your potential employer that you know what you’re doing as far as data analytics is concerned. This means while training with Dahel Techies, you’re shown how to obtain unclean data, clean it up, visualize as well as build a personal portfolio which boosts your reputation as an experienced data analyst.

3. Dahel Internship
As a part of your training, dahel allows you to learn to become a good data analyst. Another good thing is, that during your internship, you’re taught how to present your findings to your superiors.
This means you don’t only learn how to visualize data, but also how to use professional language to present your findings to decision-makers in the industry.
Of course, data analytics is all about refining data to the point of making out Intelligent reports, and insights from it.

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These insights are then presented to decision-makers to act upon.

2. Taking an Online Course from Google
Yes, as I’ve said before, there are a lot of platforms to help beginners build a successful data analytics career Today. Another one of these would be Google. Google is offering a professional data analytics course on Coursera at a very reduced cost.

It’s a self-paced learning program that issues you a professional certificate after you complete the training.
It might be placed on a $35 Monthly fee but if you join our community, we show you how to get this for free. Yes, you get to learn the entire stuff for free without paying a dime.

Well, that’s not all. Having a Google-issued certificate is one top killer point to landing your first data analytics job and building a career from then on.
What are you waiting for? Get on board already

How to Market your Data Analytics Skills

Ok, now that you’re done learning how to build a successful data analytics career, I’m going to show you the next step which gears you towards marketing your skills.
This time, I bring you to the Digital Witch Group.

Digital Witch Community

This is a training platform created and managed by Miss Ekwutos Okey. Miss Ekwuso has single-handedly trained over 2000 Nigerians who are now earning millions every month while working from their home in Nigeria.


What does Digital Witch do?

Digital Witch Community Trains you on how to market your Data Analytics as well as other amazing Tech support skills and make money off them.

As a Data Analytics, there are tech Digital Support roles you could fill up and while at them, you’re powered to offer avail yourself to data analytics roles.
The amazing part of it all is that you’re going to be working from home and in most cases, it becomes a full-time job and you’re paid in Foreign currencies.

Imagine a platform where you can create 3 job profiles;
Tech Support (Virtual assistant)
Tech Support (Cold caller)
Tech Support (Data Analyst)
Of course, with your Google-issued data analytics certificate, you’ll be the center of attention and those that can afford your charge would be there to hire you without hesitation.

Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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