How to Build a Cyber Security Career Today!

Are you one of those internet freaks who want to learn Cyber Security? if yes then this article is going to show you the steps to build a Cyber Security career. However, make sure you read carefully and also adhere to all the instructions.

Cyber Security is a very wonderful profession that can earn you a lot of money. If you are good enough, a good company can also hire or employ you to protect data breaches and attacks.

And guess what? due to the current malicious attack that is going on in cyberspace, the demand for Cyber Security workers has increased and this could be your opportunity of getting employed.

It doesn’t require age, gender, certificate, or certain approval before you can start your Cyber Security career. However, what you need is just to be perfect in the area you want to build.

They are many ways of learning Cyber Security or enhancing your Cyber Security skill, many cybersecurity experts today learned it through college, IT training, online webinar, or through the paid or free course.

However, this article is going to show the right steps to follow and build your Cyber Security career

Cyber Security, also know as information security is an advanced discipline and it is advisable for you to choose the are you like or good at, for example, ethical hacking, and master it.

Daniel Miessler recommended that anyone who wants to learn Cyber Security should do a four-year program in Computer Science or information technology in a very decent university to enhance HIS/HER career.

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However, if you don’t have money or don’t want to learn the Cyber Security in the high institution, they are some of the cool ways of learning Cyber Security online even without paying a dime. I’ll explain further.

Steps To Build A Cyber Security career

Like I said earlier, the are several ways of building a Cyber Security career which I’m about to list and explain below.

University Training

One of the best and recommended way of building and enhancing your Cyber Security career fast is through university training.

All you have to do is to look for a good technology college in your country and apply for a Computer Science or information technology.

The majority of the Cyber Security experts and well respect computer wizards earned their BS in 1 of these 2 fields. Guess what? a college degree or certificate is highly required before you can get employment in some big companies.

Although in some cases the certificate is not needed, that is if they see the talent in you.

One On One Training From Expert

Apart from college training, another best way of building your Cyber Security career is to look for expect and pay HIM/HER for a one on one training.

Is going to be as of that college training or even more than but the only thing is that you are not coming out with a certificate unless it is a program.

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This is more preferable and recommended than a webinar or a normal course. However, all of them are good.

Cyber Security Webinars

Are you one of those video freaks? if yes then a webinar is going to be a great strategy of building your Cyber Security career. They are a lot of free and paid video tutorial to learn and enhance your Cyber Security career.

However, it is recommended for you to start with the free ones and learn the basics of Cyber Security and then use the premium webinars to enhance your skills.

Courses (Online or Face to Face)

The truth is that course is the popular and easiest way of learning Cyber Security with your mobile phone or computer. A lot of Cyber Security experts today all started with free and paid courses.

The Cyber Security course can make you a genius in Cyber Security, however, it can only be possible if you are reading the right course.

Now you’ve seen the steps to build a Cyber Security career, let me continue and show you how you can get free Cyber Security training.

Easy Ways To Get Free Cyber Security Training

Having some basic knowledge of cybersecurity is a very nice thing and also a means of equipping yourself in the world of technology.

Technology is fast-growing and Cybersecurity cybersecurity is a very nice career that pays very well. However, below are some of the platforms that you can get quality Cyber Security training to enhance your skills.

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Guess what? some will give you a certificate after the training which will prove that you’ve completed the training.

Heimdal Security

Open Security Training

Sans Cyber Aces Online

US Department of Homeland Security


The five platforms listed above has over 100 free and paid courses and webinars that can teach you the basics of Cyber Security and also improve your Cyber Security knowledge.

However, if you are just new to Cyber Security then you can start with the free courses and learn the fundamentals, then as time goes on you can upgrade to their premium plan.

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Some of these Cyber Security courses and webinars have a lot of secret and essential knowledge that you might not even obtain in the university.

So instead of playing games with your spare time, reading news that adds no value to your life, or spending time on social media watching videos. Is better you use the time to learn Cyber Security and also get a Certificate that would add value in your life.

Conclusion: How to Build a Cyber Security Career Today!

Now you’ve seen the steps to build a Cyber Security career, however, put procrastination aside and take action immediately.

Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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