Benefits Of Molding Your Own Block

Today on Building contractor secrets blog, I would be talking on the various benefits you’ll enjoy if you’re patient enough to mold your own block for your building project. This is a very important topic for most contractors and builders out there because I know the strength of a building depends largely on the strength of the blocks used in its construction among other things!
number of blocks required for a building in Nigeria
image 1: 6 inch hollow Block

What Are The Benefits Of Molding your Own Block?

Just in case you’ve been arguing that Buying blocks from the local block industry is more profitable than molding them, well, you’re about to realize that there are more than quite a good number of benefits waiting for you!
1. You’re 100% sure the blocks are of the required strength.
2. You get to save over #14,000 (Fourteen Thousand Naira For Ever 500 Blocks) this would be lost or paid to block industries who may not even supply you blocks that are strong enough for the project.
3. Molding your own blocks gives you control over the kind of material (Block). The reverse is the case if you had to buy from some commercial molders or retailers.
Aside from the benefits above, when you mold your own blocks, you also help to bring job to the molders, you’re allowed to decide what happens to your block and when you’ll get to use them.
You must also ensure that you’re present onsite while the molding is ongoing in order to ensure the molder follows all instructions.

How Many Blocks Do I get From A Bag Of Cement?

In Nigeria, the standard is 20 blocks for 9 Inch Block
For 6 inches, you can mold up to 25 per bag of cement.
For 5 inches, you can mold as far as 35 or 40. Just don’t go beyond 40 if you really need a strong block.
Please ensure your molder compacts the mix in the mold.

How Do I Save By Molding My Own Blocks?

Like I said on the paragraphs above, you actually get to save a lot if you mold your own blocks. This is because for every 500 blocks you buy, you lose  fourteen Thousand Naira (that’s over $40) so always ensure you’ll make out time to mold your own blocks.
On my next post, I’ll show you all that is involved in making your own block and prove to you that you’ll save more by molding your own blocks rather than buying.
Now you have seen the benefits of Molding your own blocks for a project. Please kindly share with others too.
Recommended:  How many Blocks for 3 Bedroom Flat in Nigeria

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Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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