What is Cadastral Survey?

In order for a Plot of land purchased by you or anyone else to be deemed legal and transferable, especially such kind of transfers that is done after the exchange of money, subject to be used for some major development (Buildings, Hospitals, Banks), there must be a survey plan to accurately show the boundaries of such a plot of land.

This survey plan is also to be presented to the ministry or Regional and Urban planning for further investigation and in most cases, when you see to process your Certificate of Occupancy, the document obtained after carrying out Cadastral survey must be presented too! Let us talk a little about Cadastral Survey, the types and uses below!

What is Cadastral Survey

Cadastral survey is a branch of survey undertaken to define and record the boundary of properties, legislative areas, measurement and delineation of property boundaries.
Cadastral surveys are also usually performed for the re-establishment of existing property boundary or for the creation of new property boundaries in and division process
This type of survey is basically a property boundary surveys primarily carried out for legal purposes so as to accurately establish land ownership boundaries and usage.
Cadastral survey show the boundaries of properties right to use or cross someone else property for a particular season,
From the above we can see that cadastral information is of fundamental important for land administration and management or spatial data and the solving of environmental and human problem.
The problem we have in Nigeria is that there is no up to date digital database for good land administration system and this when provided will help the country to generate substantial revenue from land resource.
Cadastral information system is a general systematic and up to date register containing information about land parcel including details of the area, values use and ownership Dale(1991).

Types Of Cadastral Survey

Cadastral Survey is categorize into three (3) aspects ;namely
· Juridical cadastral
· Fiscal cadastral
· Multiple purpose cadastral

Jurdical Cadastral Survey

This aspect of cadastral survey serve as a legally recognize record of land tenure system. The juridical cadastral support land right and contain a detailed description of the parcel, in the form of either plans or measurement.

Fiscal Cadastral Survey

Fiscal cadastral survey serve as an instrument for administering land tax and value policy. In other words it is primarily developed for property valuation.
The information require to develop a fiscal cadastral is can be coerced from a survey plans, for instance details of land ownership and their property boundaries.

Multi Purpose Cadastral Survey

This encompasses both fiscal and juridical information with addition of parcel-related information.
Cadastral survey is an expensive process and not only in it execution but also in the loss of capital from development which may arise owing to inefficiency.
The challenge is how to meet the short and long term requirements of the fiscal, juridical and multipurpose cadastral at minimum efficiency.

Who Can Perform Cadastral Survey?

A Cadastral survey is carried out by a licensed land surveyor, anywhere in the world. In Nigeria land surveyor must be licensed and registered by the Surveyors Council of Nigeria (SURCON). This is important because cadastral plans becomes part of the Nigerian Register property title which is managed by the land Titles in each state in the country.


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Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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