All Questions About TStv Answered

So I was at the TSTV head office yesterday and I was excessively impressed by what I saw and I can no longer hold my excitement.

Yes, it is really happening my people.

TSTV Deocder

TSTV will be launching on the 1st of October and will be live on satellite across Nigeria in the 36 states and Abuja.

Does TStv Have WiFi Hotspot?

Question: Is it true that TStv has Hotspot?

Yes, it is true that HD Decoder + Dish + WiFi hotspot + 20GB data + 50GB memory + Over 100 Channels + Video Camera + 1 Month subscription is going for N5000 only.

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Is It True That I Can Watch European Games On TStv?

Yes, it is true that you can watch all top 5 European League games and European football competitions and cup competitions.

Can I Watch Hollywood, Bollywood, Blockbusters on TStv?

Question: Is it true that I can watch Hollywood, Bollywood, blockbusters on tstv?

Yes, it is true that you can watch the latest blockbusters in Hollywood, Bollywood and of course Nollywood.

Yes, it is true you can watch your favorite Indian Soaps and Mexican Telenovelas.

What’s the Subscription For TStv?

Question: Is it true that TStv is very affordable?

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Yes, it is true that you can pay as you use with subscriptions as low as N200 for a day and as high as N3000 for a month.

Can I Pause Programs On TStv?

Is it true that I can pause TV programs on TStv?

Yes, it is true that you can pause your subscription for up to a week when you travel and continue using when you return.

Can I Record Programs On TStv?

Yes, it is true that you can record your favorite TV shows as they air in your absence and play when you are at home.

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Yes, you can pause your favorite TV show to prepare dinner and receive that long call.

Yes. It. Is. True.

Say Yes to TSTV Africa.

Addresses of authorized sale centers and authorized dealers nationwide will be released on the 1st of October.

For all interested dealers/distributors/partners/ content developers and other enquiries, please call TStv Africa on their 24 hours active lines


Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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