4 Most Effective Ways To Make Money In Nigeria

Today On Building Contractor Secrets, i would like to discuss a very important matter which i think is currently having a great effect on almost every Nigerian living in Nigeria. It is no other but UNEMPLOYMENT. I am on this post going to explain 4 ways through which you can make a lot of cash legitimately without fraud.

There are four ways I know about to make money in Nigeria:
  1. Find a Job
  2. Create Jobs
  3. Learn a trade
  4. Freelancing
This is going to be quite difficult but it is possible. You are going to have to prove to the companies that you are better than the millions of unemployed graduates currently job hunting. The best ways to do this are: Here are a few ways to finding a job in Nigeria.
  1. Enroll in a good university and graduate top of your class or with a first class. Every year, companies go to some of the top schools to employ their best graduates. I have heard of fresh graduates getting offered ₦400,000 monthly straight out of the university.
  2. Know people in high places. Senators, governors, CEOs, celebrities; anyone that can give you a recommendation letter that will be recognized. This is the best way to be assured of employment. As we say in Yoruba “Eni to ba mo way lo mo we” which basically means “the person with connections is the brilliant one”.
  3. Apply. If you’re not a top student and you don’t know “people”, then you have to apply by yourself. It will be significantly harder to get a job this way but it is not impossible.
    1. Write a really good CV, there are great tips all over the internet.
    2. Work aggressively on side projects.
    3. Get unpaid internships for experience.
    4. Join the top job sites like JobbermanNairaland Job Section to know about latest job openings.
  4. Join the military. We have several law enforcement agencies in Nigeria. The police, civil defense, FRSC, the newly introduced WAI, and others. They all recruit yearly. You can also join the armed forces(Army, Navy, Air Force) but you will have to enroll at the National Defense Academy for at least a year.
This is going to be significantly harder but it has the best long-term benefits. There is more than enough advice for entrepreneurs on Quora already so I won’t dwell on this. The challenge you will most likely face is sourcing funds and finding investors. Some industries you should look into:


    Vocational education is the way forward in Nigeria right now and is probably your best chance of making money. You just have to be very good at what you do and your products will market themselves.
    For example, I met the tailor that currently sews my clothes through a church member. I liked the style of the cloth he was wearing so I asked him about his tailor, I tested the tailor and he did a wonderful job. Since then, he has been the one sewing my clothes and I have recommended him to a few friends.
    Some of the vocational skills to learn:
    1. Tailoring
    2. Catering, Baking
    3. Barbing, Hairdressing
    I’ll add more as I remember.
    This is one area I think a lot of unemployed graduates need to turn their attention to. I joined Freelancer during one of my summer holidays last 2 years and I made about $1000 in 4 months. The exchange rate at that time was about ₦180 to $1 so I got only about ₦180,000. Using today’s exchange rate, that amount is over ₦400,000 which translates to more than ₦100,000 monthly. That is far more than some graduates that work 7–5 are earning.

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    My skill set then was C#, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I also did some Academic Writing and Translation. These are things you can learn in a few months online for free. If you are not a programmer, there are lots of writing, translation, marketing jobs there. You can also join several freelancing websites for more jobs.
    All you really need is time, a good internet connection, and dedication. The main problem is getting your first 5 jobs, once you establish yourself with about 10 jobs, others will come easily.
    The best part about freelancing is having flexible working hours, I did this while I was attending a tutorial so I wasn’t even 100% dedicated. The most important thing is to deliver quality projects and deliver them on time. Employers get to rate you after they pay so you want to make sure they are very satisfied, getting a 5 star rating every time is what you should aim for.
    Blogging is also becoming increasingly popular. Find an interesting topic to write about and do a lot of marketing. When your blog start to get traffic, you can monetize through advertisement.

    Written by admin

    Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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