How To Enable 2 Factor Authentication for Facebook

How To Enable 2 Factor Authentication for Your Facebook Account

Today on Building Contractor Secrets, I have decided to take some time out and answer a very important question that would help every of my reader stay safe on the internet. It is about Internet security and this time, I am going to be teaching us how to enable 2 Factor Authentication for Facebook and we are going to be using Authy Android App.

how to enable 2-factor Authentication for facebook



After going through this article, you are expected to understand what 2-factor authentication stands for as well as be able to use Authy, one of the most advanced and reliable 2 Factor Authentication Apps ever developed to help solve 2 Factor authentication issues.


Let’s quickly see what 2-Factor Authentication means for you like someone new in this aspect of internet security.


what is Facebook 2-factor authentication?


2-Factor authentication or 2FA as fondly called by Techies is a means of additional protection to our online accounts. It further safeguards against Cyber Attacks.


Cyber attacks could compromise your online security, expose some confidential details like passwords, linked accounts, etc to a hacker if this information is not properly safeguarded. This is the need for 2FA.


The truth remains Cyber attacks are on the rise especially as global cybercrime is expected to inflict a total of $6 Trillion in Damages by the end of the year 2021.


$6 Billion in damage? Remember Africa’s total economy is worth about $3 Trillion. This equally means whatever the total damage resulting from cybercrime is, it is worth twice the economy of Africa. This is very sad.


In Nigeria, Businessday did make it known that Nigerian banks lost over N3.5 Billion within July and September. This happened in the year 2020. This only means a 534% increase from what was obtainable in the year 2019 where the total loss within the same period amounted to only NGN 552 Billion.


This does not mean cybercrimes only happen in Africa. Recent data from the FBI placed Nigeria as the 16th most affected country in the world – Sahara Reporters


What this means is that there are other countries where the damage is greater. This simply means there is a need to improve internet security for everyone. The cheapest way to achieve this is to properly set up 2-factor authentication across all your devices, especially those connected to the internet.

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Do you know that 2 persons get attacked by hackers every minute? That means there is almost a total of 120 attacks from hackers every hour.


The Simplest Form Of 2 Factor Authentication is Failing


Before now, 2 Factor authentication meant receiving a time-based confirmation sent to your registered phone number. This could be a text message with a 6/8 digit code that must be entered to confirm your identity, confirm you are the current user trying to access such an online account.


It is sad because this type of 2-factor authentication has failed woefully as there are several ways a hacker could get access to your codes without having physical contact with your phone. Stay with me!


Do you know a hacker could bribe a telecommunication worker and have him or she reveal messages coming to your sim or perform a sim swap without your approval? This means whatever information (Including a 2-factor authentication directed to your phone) could be forwarded to another phone without your knowledge, thereby granting a hacker unlimited access to your bank account, social media account, etc.

Remember Lorrie Cranor? She was US Chief Technologist Federal Trade Commission. According to her

the need for 2 factor authentication


“A few weeks ago an unknown person walked into a mobile phone store, claimed to be me, asked to upgrade my mobile phones, and walked out with two brand new iPhones assigned to my telephone numbers. My phones immediately stopped receiving calls, and I was left with a large bill and the anxiety…”

Hackers loot cellphone accounts


Now if such could be done to a Chief Technologist of America’s Federal Trade Commission, who am I? Who are you? Do you have Armed Bodyguards? Do you have a private server and a series of Laser-enabled safe? I guess no!


Please and please, enable 2 Factor Authentication Now.


Ok, enough of the history. Let’s see how we could enable 2-factor authentication on the world’s most popular social media platform (Facebook)

How does Facebook 2-factor authentication work?

From series of research, i and my team realized that whatever Wikipedia wrote about Two-factor Authentication is true. On the page, Wikipedia explained 2-factor authentication as an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website/ application or online account only after he’s able to present 2 or more pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism

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Sounds more like presenting your Passcode and a valid means of identification before you’re allowed access into an examination hall right?

Now explaining how Facebook 2-factor authentication works, we could see that Facebook would require more than a username and password to allow you access to your Facebook profile (Online account)

For the sake of this piece of content, I am going to introduce you “Authy”. A 2-factor Authentication 

How to enable Facebook 2 factor authentication

To enable 2-factor authentication for your Facebook account, quickly follow the steps highlight and follow the accompanying images as they provide a visual guide to help you link your account to Authy


Step 1: Download Twilio Authy 2-Factor Authentication


Assuming you have downloaded Twilio Authy 2-Factor Authentication,

Launch the app


Step 2Log on to your Facebook Account By entering your email/Phone number and Password on the fields respectively

How to enable 2 factor authentication for facebook



Step 3Locate the little triangle at the Top extreme of the page, Click on It

There is a drop down, Click on Setting and Privacy

How to enable 2 factor authentication with authy


Step 4Place your Mouse on the Settings Tab and click on It
How to enable 2 factor authentication

Step 5As soon as you click On Settings, another screen comes up

Click on Security and Login

How to enable 2 factor authentication with authy
Step 6After you click on Security and Login
Scroll down till you could see “Two Factor Authentication
Step 7As soon as you locate the “Two Factor Authentication”
Click on Edit next to it
How to enable 2 factor authentication with authy
Step 8As soon as you click on it, a little dialogue box comes up
Click on Add new App


Step 9:As soon as you click on Add New App, you are taken to a new page. This page has “Two-Factor Authentication is Off” On displace
You quickly Locate Authentication App  and click Manage next to it
As you click Manage, you get options to Add New App


Step 10: As soon as you click Add New App
a page with Bar Code comes up
How to enable 2 factor authentication with authy


Step 11Now go to your Twilio Authy App and quickly register 
an account by entering your phone number and Email address
You are going to receive an activation code via Call/SMS
*Use sms as authy call does not respond all the time
click on “Scan QR Code

As soon as you click “Scan QR Code”

you are going to have the scanner on display on your device
Place this scanner to match the bar code on your Facebook page.
Once the QR code is scanned by the Scanner on Authy App, you are good to go.

How Does Authy Work?

Authy works in such a way that after successfully linking it to your Facebook,  You are asked for a new authentication code anytime you want to log on to your fakebook account

How to Log on to Facebook with Authy

  • Open
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  • Enter your Email/Mobile Number/Username and 
  • Enter your Password
  • Click “Login” as in STEP 2 above
As soon as you click Login,
You’re prompted to enter a 6 digit code 
from your authentication app
Its quite simple
  • Launch Authy App
  • Select the Facebook account you wish to log on to
  • a 6 Digit code is displayed on Authy
  • Quickly enter this code to have access to your account 
Note: This prompt only comes up when you are logging in from a different device or New IP Address.
Personally i think its a great win for you because even when someone tricks you into revealing your password, they’re still locked out since they may never be able to lay hands on your Authy App.

Conclusion: How to Enable 2 Factor Authentication for Facebook Account

Facebook is probably one of the most important aspect of our social life as it offers us an easy way to share and connect with loved ones regardless of their location, promote our business without and close a lot of sales. The internet is everyday filled with lot of users with different intent including to steal and harm.
Therefore, there is need for every user to secure their social media, internet Banking, school social network with an authentication mechanism that cannot be compromised and this is what Authy is here to offer for free.
Lets embrace authy today and use it to enable 2 factor authentication for our facebook account


Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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