Image 1: Plan of a house to be set out On Ground |
How Can I Set Out A Building Plan On Ground
As you know, before the erection of walls, it is right for a proper plant to be designed. A plan that would ensure the walls are standing at the right points, it is also important that the walls are set out to stand in the right angle as this not only makes the work easy, but also improves the aesthetics of the building. Sometimes you can just imagine a wall with bendings here and there. That would be such a boring sight right?
So Now lets talk about Setting Out A Building Plan On Ground.
The main aim of setting out is surely to ensure construction is carried out exactly according to the plan. For Most setting out, the center line method is often used. It is the most preferred of all methods.
I would like you to have your eyes on the image below and follow the directives below it as it guides you through the process of setting out your building.
Now here are the steps you must follow in order to successfully carry out the setting out of the building without stress according to The Constructor.Org
1. From the plan (fig 1), the centre line of the walls are calculated. Then the centre lines of the rooms are set out by setting perpendiculars in the ratio 3:4:5. Suppose the corner points are a, b, c, d, e, f and g which are marked by pegs with nails on top.
2. The setting of the corner point is checked according to diagonals ac, bd, cf and eg.
3. During excavation, the centre points a, b, c, d, e, f, g may be removed. Therefore the centre lines are extended and the centre points are marked about 2m away from the outer edge of excavation. Thus the points A1, A2, B1, B2 and like wise, are marked outside the trench. Centre line are shown clearly by stretching thread or rope. The centre points fixed 2m away from the excavation are marked with sit out pegs.
4. From the plan details, the width of excavation to be done is also marked by thread with pegs at appropriate positions.
5. The excavation width is then marked by lime or by with furrow with spade.
6. If the plan is much to complicated and follows a zigzag pattern, then the centre pegs are kept at suitable positions according to site conditions.
Now That’s how to set out a building on Ground. It is a very effective method especially for smaller building projects and it is also the most commonly used method of setting out since is it not expensive but easy to carry out.
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