Info: 6 Things You Must Know About TStv Subscription

Tstv monthly subscription guide
Here are first hand info on the 6 things to know about TSTV that is lauching today
1. The N5000 for TSTV initial purchase includes a decoder, a dish and a remote control but excludes any installation service charge.
2. TSTV Pay AS You Go pause service i.e. the ability to pause your subscription when not in use would be available to those that would go for the maximum subscription which is the monthly N3,000 package and you would only be able to pause subscription not more than 7 days, thereby allowing you 37 days at most for your monthly subscription.

So don’t expect to use your 1 month subscription from January to December in the name of pausing or expect to user 1 day N200 subscription for 1 month.

3. The first time you buy the decoder is the only time you would be able to enjoy up to 20GB of data as bonus, for subsequent full monthly subscription comes with 10GB of data and not 20GB as some of you might be thinking.
4. TSTV has incorporated its subscription service payments into Quickteller the popular E-payment service in the country and just like DSTV, you would also be able to easily pay for your TSTV subscriptions through Quickteller.
5. You would be able to buy extra 1GB data or above from TSTV at the cost of N300 for 1GB
6. TSTV data allocation has nothing to do with watching of TVST channels but just a separate and additional offer to the entire TSTV concept or better still what you commonly regard as Value Added Service (VAS).
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Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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