5 Important Roles Of A Site Engineer In A Construction Site

To my inestimable viewers, i wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. I Hope you enjoyed your holidays and saw your relatives as well?

Today On guardianconstructions i want talk about resident engineers or site engineers as they may be called and 5 roles or duties of a site engineer in a construction site. Before i begin, i would like to throw more light on who a site engineer really is.

Who is a site engineer?

A site engineer is  a part of the site management team. his role in the team may be any of health and safety, organisation of the site and those in it, supervision of materials on site, for the site work as well as people using these materials to accomplish different tasks on site. A Site engineer also ensures security is maintained on site.

Having said the above, may i also state here that the roles of a site engineer is not specific as activities in a construction site are highly dynamic in nature.

What are the Roles Of A Site Engineer?

Well, the roles of a site engineer on a construction site are very much but i am going to touch just 5 of these roles.

1. Quality Assurance
It is the duty of a site engineer to ensure quality is obtained in every aspect of the contstruction process. Quality is a parameter and this must be maintained right from the beginning phase of a project no matter what.

From this, it therefore only implies that issues relating to design and documentation be corrected by the site engineer and this corrections must be made only when proper approval has been made by Structural engineers.

2. Communication And Leadership Roles
Among the 5 roles of the site engineer i am going to talk about, communication and leadership roles is yet another role of the site engineer i must law emphasis on.

The site engineer is a direct link between the foremen and the top management officers. He should be able to know the technical details from upper levels and ensure same is practised on site, coordination of such information should be his priority.

a site engineer is expected to take details from higher offices and pass same to the lower offices, staffs, etc. He may not understand the idea, but let it be that he conveys it rightly.

3. Health And Safety
Another important role of a site engineer is ensuring safety is maintained on site. Based on this, it is the duty of a site engineer to ensure that all work by workers on site are done in accordance to safety regulations.

He also ensures that all safety provisions are in place.

4. Construction Site Responsibilities
Work schedule is always always sent to the site engineer since he is often the one spending most of his time on site. The schedules are sent to him while he in turn ensures the implementation of the actual work on site.

5. Technical Roles
On every construction site, a site engineer is expected to establish levels as well as survey controls. These controls are very necessary in ensuring the work is set out ass contained in the contract drawings. 

The site engineer also ensures an accurate record is kept.

These are the 5 roles of a site engineer as i promised. Please fell free to add your suggestions as we are all here to learn.

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Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!


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